Wednesday, March 2, 2011

First Cereal!

We gave Cooper cereal for the first time this past week! She is so interested in what we are eating all the time - she reaches out for our cups, food, anything we are eating like she just wants to try some so bad! She sleeps great and is getting so big, so we weren't in a hurry to start solids, but we thought since she has been so interested in what we eat lately, we would go ahead and get started.
Look at her sweet little hands reaching for the spoon! She thinks she is big enough to feed herself!
Not too sure about that first bite! She made a face, but she kept opening her mouth and reaching for more! I'm not too sure if she is interested more in the spoon or in what's on it! She seems to enjoy gumming the spoon more than eating the food!
Kendall was so intrigued by the idea of Cooper getting to begin eating. She wanted to watch and help and she just talked and talked to her sister.
She even got to feed her a bite herself!
We started with whole grain rice cereal, and I think next week we will start on some vegetables!
Here are some videos Randy took! She is just getting so big!

Since her birthday is August 31, she didn't really have a 6 month birthday! We have 6 month pictures though, and we will post those next week after we go to the doctor for her checkup. The past 6 months have gone by too fast! Slow down, Coop!


  1. Her precious little hands reaching out! And the way she sucks on the spoon!! So wonderful and sweet! You're growing up too quick, Cooper!! Granny loves you sooooooo much!!

  2. Thanks for sharing that with us. I love that smacking!
