Today we went for our monthy appointment with Dr. Miller. Thursday I will turn 24 weeks - 6 months! Cooper is doing really good and is moving all the time. I love to sit and watch my belly and watch little arms and legs poke out! It's so crazy.
Mid-way through our appointment today, I asked Dr. Miller how my weight gain was going. She smiled and I said, "What!?" She said, "Well, I wasn't going to just come right out and say it first thing, but you gained 6 pounds this month." Ha!! I knew my weight had gone up recently, but didn't realize how much. She said it was actually good though, because I had some catching up to do. Up until now I have been a little underweight, so now I'm doing great! I thought that was pretty funny, though. :)
She measured my stomach and I measured 21 cm. At this point, I should be measuring however many weeks I am along - so I really should be at 23 or 24 cm. She said the reason my measurement was lower is because I'm so tall. I thought, "Oh no - here we go again!" Late in my pregnancy with Kendall, I measured small at every appointment and had to go in for two extra sonograms just so she could make sure everything was ok, and it was. I hope we don't have to do that again.
Her heartbeat was pretty fast - 158 bpm when they checked. Dr. Miller said this was fine. Overall, everything is going great! Here are some pictures. The first one in the yellow shirt is fron today - 23 weeks. The second one is from 17 weeks. There's that weight gain! Ha!